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Garvey Trade & Development NGO

Your Eyes and Ears in the Global Marketplace
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Garvey Trade & Development NGO

Welcome to our network.  We are commodity trade brokers who buy and sell physical commodities (grain, metals, seeds, coffee, cassava, etc) on a commission basis on behalf of private and commercial clients.  Our main goal is to make money for our clients.  Our buyers and sellers seek consistency and we help absorb most of the risk foreseen in the global market place.

Some of our activities include, but not limited to:

Monitor international market performance

Interpret market reports

Meet individually with clients (virutal also) and provide investment advice and market recommendations

Trade on behalf of clients

Liasing with transport, shipping and insurance companies

Devise hedging strategies

Visit international suppliers

Negotiating price, specification and delivery details

Investigating new business opportunites

Who we Are

Global trade in food products continues to expand rapidly, but the structure and pattern of trade

differs significantly by commodity and by region. Key drivers of production and demand, including

trade and related policies, shape these patterns in different ways, with potentially important implications

for food security.

2. Greater participation in global trade is an inevitable part of most countries’ national trade

strategies. However, the process of opening to trade, and its consequences, will need to be

appropriately managed if trade is to work in favour of improved food security outcomes.

3. Trade affects each of the four dimensions of food security: food availability, access, utilization and

stability. The interaction of trade with these dimensions is complex and depends on a variety of

underlying factors, producing great differences in country experiences and making it difficult to ascertain

a generalization relationship.

4. The relationship between the level of engagement in trade and food security is influenced by the

way food markets work, by the ability and willingness of producers to respond to the changing

incentives that trade can bring, and by the geography of food insecurity, each of which needs to be

accounted for in the formulation of trade policy interventions.

5. Trade and related policy objectives address different dimensions of food security, will differ across

countries, and will change over time. The appropriateness of alternative trade policy options is

largely determined by longer-term processes of economic transformation and the role of the agriculture

sector within these.

6. Episodes of food price spikes are important for their potential negative impacts on food security.

Geopolitical and weather uncertainties, as well as government responses, are likely to exacerbate

these episodes in the future, with increasing potential for disruptions to trade flows. The likelihood of

price spikes, even if episodic, needs to be factored into longer-term decisions related to the management

of trade in food and agricultural products.

7. Trade and food security concerns can be better articulated in the multilateral trading system

through improvements to the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Agriculture. However, the

right balance needs to be struck between the benefits of collective action brought through disciplines on

the use of trade policy, and the policy space required by developing countries, the identification of which

needs to be informed by specific country-level needs.

8. Shifting attention from the pros and cons of specific policies towards addressing weaknesses in the

governance processes of agriculture and trade policy-making will improve identification of required

policy space and its appropriate use. Strengthening these processes requires building synergies to increase

policy coherence for food security, to enable governments to balance priorities in the design of trade

policies, and to improve their compliance with regional and global trade frameworks.

Contact us

Available by appointment only

Who we Are:

Our Global Network
Make'da Fatou Na'eem

President and Senior Partner

United States

Phil Locke

Vice President-Partner

United States

Monrovia, Liberia





Sierra Leone


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